Browse the Catalog  Search the Catalog  Prices  Custom Buttons  Checkout  Button Baggie



Here is what you are about to check out:

(Skip down to checkout form)

1 catalogue button @ $2.00/button.
(The next discount kicks in if you buy 5 buttons for $1.60 each.)
0 catalogue bumper stickers @ $2.50/sticker.
(The next discount kicks in if you buy 5 stickers for $1.60 each.)
0 custom buttons @ $0.00.


1 x By God, for a moment there it all made sense...

Subtotal: $2.00


Subtotal: $0.00

Total cost of buttons $2.00

Postage $4.00

Total $6.00

(If you want to pay via credit card, select the "Finish my order and I'll pay with a PayPal account" radio button. If you do not have a PayPal account, you'll be prompted to create one later--it's free!)
Finish my order with a page I can print out for payment by check
Finish my order and I'll pay with a PayPal account


Shipping Address: Leave blank if same as billing address.

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Please add me to your mailing list (our mailing list will not be given to -anyone- else, and only used to tell you when we've updated the site and similar purposes).

You have 1 catalog item in your button baggie, with 1 distinct slogan and 0 distinct custom orders
The last slogan added to your baggie was the following:

  By God, for a moment there it all made sense...


Contact Nancy Lebovitz to discuss anything you want; she's friendly. This includes discussing the site, of course.
Or contact Joshua Kronengold, who did most of the [perl] CGI and HTML work on the site if you want to discuss similar work [He's not at all cheap, but is good and fast].